Datascience, Data, AI, Public Health Gilad Barash Datascience, Data, AI, Public Health Gilad Barash

Episode 23: AI & The Music Industry - A Data Scientist’s View

Generative AI has already started to have major implications in regards to the content we consume - and this is especially true in music! In today’s episode I chat with Eyal Golshani, VP of Data Science at Vevo, the world’s leading music video network, to discuss how data and generative AI influence their work.

We explore how their Data Science team uses data, talk about AI generated content, the effect of emerging platforms such as tiktok, what kind of bias they deal with and how they communicate data to promote stakeholder trust.

We also discuss AI's emerging place in the industry and what it may look like in the future. Eyal also shares what he looks for when hiring for data science roles.

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Datascience, Data, AI, Public Health Gilad Barash Datascience, Data, AI, Public Health Gilad Barash

Episode 22: Will AI Replace Doctors? A HealthTech Investor’s View

AI is rapidly changing the landscape of innovative healthtech. In this episode I chat with Dr. Yoni Goldwasser, a digital health investor and entrepreneur, about the exciting new trends in healthtech and whether or not AI will advance enough to replace doctors in the future.

We discuss how accurate medical models need to be in his opinion, how he and his team of investors evaluate new healthtech startups in terms of algorithms, bias in the data and he provides tips on what makes a good startup pitch.

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Datascience, Data, AI, Public Health Gilad Barash Datascience, Data, AI, Public Health Gilad Barash

Episode 21: Ethical Sourcing of Medical Data

Progress in healthcare and medical research requires a lot of data. In the era of Big Data health data is among the most valuable and the most private information anyone can have. Two major hurdles with finding quality medical data are access to that data in a private and ethical way as well as bias on the data due to underrepresentation of women, certain racial or ethnic groups.In this episode I talk to Dinidh O’Brien about how and DataLake are trying to solve this problem with a patient-first approach to sourcing medical data for research. Data Lake is an EU-funded start-up creating a global medical data donation system based on blockchain technology, with privacy and informed consent as fundamental pillars.We discuss this data donation framework and how it addresses the issues of privacy, consent, data monetization and working to minimize biases. Dinidh explains how they approach patients to opt in, how they vet organizations that request access to this data and how they plan to expand throughout Europe and the US.

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Datascience, Data, AI, Public Health Gilad Barash Datascience, Data, AI, Public Health Gilad Barash

Episode 20: Banks Turned Data From a Regulatory Headache To Secret Weapon

In this episode I chat with Rich Edwards, CEO of Mindspan Systems, about the changing tech and data landscape for financial institutions - especially big banks versus regional ones. Additionally we discuss how Mindspan turns tech into a commodity, and data from what was once a regulatory liability into a democratized operating asset.

In this age of consolidation, we chat about how data is the smaller bank’s secret weapon to improve service, add innovation and combat bias in financial data (which historically barred access to services from under-represented communities). We also chat about how financial data is shared more broadly among the financial institutions through the open banking framework, as well as what that means for privacy and competitiveness.

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