Episode 08: A Fire Episode! Climate Change, Data and YOU

Naomi Tague
UC Santa Barbara


THIS EPISODE IS FIRE! No, literally, it’s about fire. And water. And Climate Change! I talk to Professor Naomi Tague of the UC Santa Barbara Bren School of Environmental Science and Management about her research predicting and forecasting forest fire frequency and severity in California as well as modeling how water flows through landscapes.
We discuss how she does her research, what data is used in the models and how machine learning helps at different points. We also discuss how to visualize the results and how society benefits from her work - from urban planning to forest management.
Finally talk about the state of climate research today and demystify the two most important things YOU need to know about it!


Episode 09: AI For Good With James Hodson


Episode 07: Closing The Wealth Gap Through Community-Based Tech Education